Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Look at me I'm a yoyo

Another week has passed and I've done the yoyo move when it comes to my weight.  240 then 243 than back to 240.  It's almost a never ending cycle, almost.  Talking to Lorinda always helps and this last time we made a pact to lose 5 pounds by summer.  I hope to actually lose more than that but at least it's a doable goal.  Especially considering that I was at 230 during the last year.  It wasn't until the holiday season that the extra ten showed up.
My workout schedule is coming together.  I am using the weight vest on Mondays for 15-20min of cardio before the stretching class.  Tuesday and Thursday is still the kettle bell class and I feel like I'm getting better at surviving the hour of torture.  Weds is the Pure Fitness class and Toney does a great job of making it interesting and a hard workout.  Sat I've started to attend the cycle class followed by training with L and then another stretching class.  Sun I get in my cardio with 25min on the treadmill (walking at an increasingly faster pace and incline) followed by 25min on the upright bike with the random hill program.  This is when I wear the weight vest for the full 50min.

I've started to use the food scale that I bought recently.  I decided to use it for some snacks and so far the results have been mixed.  One snack I weighed according to the serving size was just silly (way too small to be satisfying).  The other was quite surprising as it was definitely right on, in the perfect amount to keep me happy and not eat more department. I will keep it up and see if I can't incorporate the use of the scale into more food choices.

Coming up I will be skipping a Sat workout as I'm heading to the range for a competition.  I've been trying to get to the range more so I can acclimate myself to shooting better.  As the year progresses I hope to see improvement in that area in addition to my health.

Here's a workout I enjoy:  It's called a Plate Exercise as you use a weight plate for most of the moves.  For me I used a 10lb and a 25lb plate.  I've also been known to throw in a kettle bell for variety.  I have both 10lbers and a 25lb bell.  Your mileage may vary.

(1) Around the world- 10lb- Hold the plate like you're holding the steering wheel of your car.  Now starting at your belly button move the plate in a big circle around your body and behind your head.  First one direction 12 times and then in the opposite direction 12 times.

(2) Row/press- 25lb-Hinge at the waist and row the plate to your chest then raise your chest vertical and press the plate overhead. Return to the starting position (hinge at waist with plate hanging at arms length to the floor) Repeat total of 12 reps.

(3) Overhead raise-25lbs- Holding the plate like you did for #1 but straight out in front of your chest now raise it over your head.  12 reps.

(4) Plate swing-10lbs- This works better with a kettle bell or a dumbbell.  Hold the weight and swing it from a shallow squat between your legs.  You want to use momentum to lift the weight not muscle it up, use your glutes.  Press your heels into the floor as you make the forward motion.  12 reps.

(5) Prisoner Squat-10lbs- With the plate behind your head, elbows flared out and a wide stance, squat down and up.  Keep your knees over your toes, don't over extend your knees forward.  12reps.

(6) Wood chopper-10lbs- Again holding your plate like you did in #1 lift it over your left shoulder up high and bring it across your body to your right ankle.  Like you're chopping wood.  12 reps then repeat from the right shoulder to the left ankle 12 reps.  

Rest and then repeat the whole list a total of three times.  Once you get good at it go for four times.  It's fun.  Just do it.

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