Sunday, May 31, 2015

What the heck has been happening??

So the wheels have really gone off the wagon....okay that makes no sense.  I've been going thru a bit of a rough patch these last few weeks but seriously not a really bad thing.  Yes I've been skipping the gym and not being bothered to think before eating whatever I feel like.  I'm currently flirting with the 250lb area of the scale.  Ah well just means I gotta re-set and get after it again.

So this last weekend I was in Seattle for a gaming convention.  Five days of doing nothing but sitting and moving my hands and arms just enough to make dice roll. ;)  In addition to that heavy amount of physical activity I was eating at all hours of the night and then not eating very healthy.

Let's see, there was JackintheBox late night (haven't done that in over 20yrs, maybe 30yrs).  Ate twice at Denny's, once was after midnite.  And then there was the "wonderful" hotel food, actually not that bad but certainly at a premium price for so so food.  Finally on the way home we hit a buffet at a local casino and I stuffed myself to the hilt (gotta get your money's worth!).

The one "bright" spot was the fact that I felt like working out on Sunday.  So took advantage of the hotels workout room and had a good workout.  30min of cardio on the treadmill and threw some iron around for 20-25min.  It was a bit of a surprise that I actually worked out but there it was, a rather sweaty t-shirt.  So it must have happened.

Met with Lorinda on Sat for the first time in a couple of weeks, we've both been busy.  I'd let her know that I'd fallen a bit off kilter so she was prepared to make me sweat:

No rest do as a superset
Chest press: 20lbs x 10
Squats: no weight x 10
Bent over Row: 20lbs x 10
Squats: 10
Biceps curls: 20lbs x 10
Squats: 10
Shoulder press (palms facing each other): 20lbs x 10
Squats: 10
Triceps Kickbacks: 15lbs x 10

Repeat 3-4 times

Then we did some abs:
Legs raises with knees bent x 15
Crunches x 15

It felt good to get back to really working out so I guess the "vacation" is over and time to get those wheels back on the wagon.  Moving onward and upward!

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