Thursday, March 12, 2015

Exercise=sweat Sweating when I Kettle Bell= Priceless

Kettle bell class is always a sweat inducing session.  My shirt is soaked and I look like I just came in from a rainstorm.

The half hour starts with me wondering what the heck I'm doing here and by the end I'm so happy I made it.  Yes it's only thirty minutes but in that time you are taxed to the limit and beyond.  A bit of hyperbole but it really does apply.  Let me run it down for you.  First though here's a description of what a kettle bell is: I use a 20lb kb.  A hunk of metal shaped like a ball with a handle in the form of a loop attached to the "top".  You can hold it by the handle or grip the ball with both hands.  Okay here's a 30min workout with the kettle bell:

We start out (after a few jumping jacks with twists and turns to warm up) with 20 swings.  These swings go from between the legs with a slight squat and generating the movement with your hips and pushing thru your heels up over your head.  Do that 20 times then go right into single arm swings 10 times alternating from one arm to the other (only going as high as your shoulders) at the apex of the swing. Now repeat the first set of swings 20 times again and then repeat the alternating swings 10 times each arm.
Okay now we're going into overhead presses.  This starts as a shallow squat with the kettle bell between your feet on the ground.  Grabbing it with one hand and pulling it up to your shoulder and then pressing it overhead.  20 times each arm and then do 20 swings from the first set over head.  Back to the overhead presses, again 20 times each arm.  Rest for a minute. Oh and at the end of each set of presses hold the kettle bell out to the side.  Your arm is fully 90 degrees parallel.  For a 10count.  That was after each set of shoulder presses
Next up is a squat with a shoulder press.  Get as deep as possible in the squat and press over head.  do this 20 times each arm.  Then 20 more swings.  20 more squat presses.  Okay we're done.....with this portion of the workout. 
Now we're going to a mat and get to do Turkish sit-ups and Turkish get-ups.  The sit up is performed by laying on your back and placing your right leg with the foot flat on the floor and the left leg out straight.  Then with the kettle bell resting on your right shoulder you do a sit up raising the kettle bell to full extension in the up position.  Your left arm is a lever to help you up.  Do that 10 times and repeat on the left side with your right arm as the lever.
Now next is the Turkish get-up.  This is very similar to the sit-up but with this you stand all the way up.  Do 5 each side.  This sounds easy but take my word for it it's not.  Of course we are going to repeat the sit-ups but this time we're doing 20 each side.
Finally we end with a plank but holding the kettle bell in front of our heads planking on our elbows as we hold the kettle bell off the ground for one minute.

So there you have it.  30 minutes of kettle bell HE double hockey stix.  ;) That I do twice a week.

I have finally gotten below 240lbs and hope this is the beginning of new movement. My last two weigh-ins were 239 and 238.  Not the biggest drop but it's a drop.

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