Saturday, January 3, 2015

First post of the new year and stuff

So here we are.  It's a new year and a new entry in my attempt at living forever.  I will attempt to chronicle my life with some humor and reality.  Once a week I'll tell you all about it.  I think.

So far I've made a plan with L.  That plan is fluid and will change as the year progresses I'm sure.  I do plan on focusing on a variety of  goals all aimed at stuff I want to do better.

I remember as a kid doing pull-ups.  As a sixty-one year old adult I can't do one.  So I've set a goal that by the end of the year I'll do ten.  Also as a kid I was always doing sit-ups.  Today I can do one or two maybe, so by the end of the year I'll do fifty.  Two concrete actions that will accomplish multiple goals.  Those are attainable goals if I focus on the big picture.  

Another goal is to focus on arm strength related directly to getting better at shooting my pistols.  It doesn't take much strength to hold a 5-6lb weight at arms length.  To hold it steady for a couple of seconds does require some though.  That's another action that will have a positive affect on the big picture.

Since this is going up at the beginning of the year it may seem like a new years resolution list.  It's not, as I've said before, I don't believe in resolutions.  I believe in making changes that will support my decisions to live a better life.

Last year I tried some different types of activity.  Running was the major one but that didn't work out.  Running sucks!  I'll get my outdoors activity on my bike, thank you very much.

I don't plan on having a hernia operation or a colonoscopy like I did last year.  I don't plan on going to the emergency room because we thought I was having a heart attack.  I do plan on hitting the gym as often as it makes sense and putting forth more effort than I have recently.

I plan on re-assessing my food consumption.  I plan on making appropriate changes whenever possible.  I know I'll still over do it on pizza and cookies but hope I can be better at controlling the pig out urge. I expect to fail but will come back with a renewed determination to remember the big picture and the long game.

Care to join me?  You can do it because I can do it.

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